Dr. Kenyon is one of the world’s most experienced surgeons in the areas of cornea, cataract, refractive and ocular trauma surgery. He has developed many techniques utilized for ocular surface and anterior segment reconstructive surgery. He practices, teaches and conducts research in Boston,
Winchester, Europe and other international locations.
Education: A magna cum laude graduate of Harvard College and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Dr. Kenyon also completed residency and chief residency in ophthalmology at the Wilmer Institute at Johns Hopkins University and a Cornea Fellowship at the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School. He is board certified in ophthalmology.
Teaching: While Director of the Cornea Service at the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary and of Cornea Consultants of Boston and Cornea Consultants International, he trained more than 150 clinical and research fellows from all over the world. He is Associate Clinical Professor at the Harvard Medical School., Senior Clinical Scientist at the Schepens Eye Research Institute & Senior Surgeon at the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary. Dr. Kenyon has been a speaker, invited speaker or guest lecturer at over 1,000 courses and seminars.
Staff Appointments: Dr. Kenyon served as Director of the Cornea Service, the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, (MEEI), Associate Chief of Ophthalmology, MEEI, and Director of Fellowship Programs, MEEI. He is the founder of Cornea Consultants of Boston and Cornea Consultants International of Munich, Germany, Boston & Winchester, Massachusetts and San Juan, Puerto Rico as well as a co-founder of the Laser Eye Consultants of Boston and the Boston Eye Surgery and Laser Center. Dr. Kenyon is a member of the medical staff of MEEI as Surgeon in Ophthalmology, Massachusetts General Hospital, San Juan Health Center Santurce, Puerto Rico and the Winchester Hospital.
Honors: Dr. Kenyon has been named among the “Best Ophthalmologists in America”. He earned both the Honor Award and Senior Honor Award from The American Academy of Ophthalmology. Dr. Kenyon was the recipient of numerous National Institutes of Health (NIH) research awards as both Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator. He received both the P. Siva Reddy Medal and the P. Siva Reddy Gold Medal from the All-India Ophthalmological Society. Dr. Kenyon has served on several editorial boards and has authored more than 350 publications, including a text on ocular trauma.
Memberships: Dr. Kenyon is a member, invitee, honorary member or fellow of numerous medical and research societies a few of which include the Association for Research In Vision & Ophthalmology, the Verhoeff Society, The American Academy of Ophthalmology, The New England Ophthalmological Society, Castroviejo Cornea Society, Massachusetts Society of Eye Physician & Surgeons, American Association of Ophthalmic Pathology Society, All-India Ophthalmological Society, American College of Surgeons, American Ophthalmological Society, Barraquer Institute, International Society of Contact Lens Research, Pan-Hellenic Ophthalmological Society, and the Puerto Rico Society of Ophthalmology
Research: Dr Kenyon trained as a National Science Foundation Research Fellow, an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellow, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Postdoctural Fellow in Eye Pathology, a National Eye Institute (NEI)/National Eye Institute of Childhood Health and Human Development (NICHHD) Research Associate, a Research Fellow in the Department of Cornea Research, Eye Research Institute of Retina Foundation and a NIH Research Fellow in Ophthalmology. Dr. Kenyon has been an invited speaker and presenter at numerous regional, national, and international research meetings delivering over 500 presentations. He is internationally known for his work on corneal inflammation and ulceration in vitamin A deficiency and its effects on vision and the eye as well as his studies on ophthalmic pathology and most notably his research on diseases of the ocular surface and ocular surface epithelial transplantation. Dr. Kenyon has served as investigator on numerous clinical trials. He has performed refractive surgery since 1984 and has been an investigator in several clinical trials for refractive surgery. Dr. Kenyon appreciated the benefits of laser vision correction, having undergone LASIK himself in 1999.
Clinical Goals: Dr. Kenyon’s major clinical interests include corneal and external diseases of the eye, corneal transplantation, ocular surface surgery, complications of ocular anterior segment surgery, ocular anterior segment reconstructive surgery, and refractive surgery.
Dr. Kenyon’s lectures and teaching responsibilities, clinical and basic science research, and clinical and surgical practical underscore his commitment to academic and clinical medicine.